Lives being ripped apart/ Trusting the process


She lifts me out of my complacency




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Joined: 12 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:00 am    Post subject: She lifts me out of my complacency

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I have two stories I have to give you in order for you to have a perspective on what I am offering. The spirit first used storms, divorces, and life sinking in general to lift me into the spirit and get me to make seeking my life number one job at one time but now I am as the fire that is jolting myself as I found the spirit impassionate me to do in order to see more life in fresh ways.

1. She lifts me out of my complacency. The death spoken of by the spirit through Jesus was the greatest Jolt out of pain and fear and death into wonder and joy. Tonight I wanted to get in the spirit with the synchronicities because then is when I see where to put my energy rather than the thoughts that had filled my mind before I found my life. So Pam and I went to Tower Park Marina to have a drink and watch the sunset and look for synchronicities as we walk and wonder. We have been having synchronicities with the planet Mercury and about 222 as many are aware and about the prince the wizard the lion of Judah as 222 and the Merkabah vehicle. As we walked we talked about the moonlight and just had a blast dreaming about what the synchs in our life were saying and we walked up on a boat and we were immediately attracted to it. We did not know why but as we walked by it we began to find out why. First the name was PrinceCruiser,,, and it also had the name Cruisesomething 22 and the engine was a huge Mercury engine and we climbed up in it and fantasized that we had experiences on it and we had just talked last night about the Merkabah synchs and the song on the radio came on about riding in a mercury and then the memory of touching the pedal on a mercury car and how it zooooomed off and we got in that spirit as though the spirit itself were taking us away like that in the moment to a new spirit, just as she had so many times before.

2. It's your pictures on your altar (heart) due to your beliefs and thinking instead of feeling. For me the spirit had me let go of the fears and anger and loose myself in pictures of things that I wanted. It wanted me to start with comfort so that I could examine the subtle things of the heart.

After years of dreaming in the spirit about the synchronicities and having miracles all day long due to dreams in the past and dreams in this moment I came to see that it was the pictures I was placing on my heart. Also I would say go to the spirit as Jesus said, don't even interpret the book or you have a long hard road but rather find synchronicity and it will help you with anything you wish. And it will teach you how to make it perfect. Sure life will jolt you and folks will totally misinterpret you especially the ones whose job is to misinterpret you and that is a precross Christian. One that believes the interpretation and is just waiting for that big Jolt/ spiritual death and rebirth from spirit. And then as they have experiences in spirit after the baptism in words they find that they are the ones now misinterpreted by those they used to call their own. If you have questions that is what many in the spirit are putting out fruit at this time, not that you follow them but in that lightning bolt of coincidence with the spirit in songs, stories or just your mundane moments cleaning the dishes you will begin to have similar experiences which if you diligently seek the meaning of the spirit you will find it. So let go of thinking and spend some time in awe of the moon and the bizarre wonders that really grab you and then ask you life why does this affect me so and wait, and wait, and when you have wonderful thoughts arise no matter how coincidently small the synch is savor it, write it down ask for more like a hungry jackal. All the songs that are playing in the background around you will begin speaking to you if you truly want to experience your life.