Trees Wrote


I need the rose to turn RED.

So I went to work on my VW van (Ginger)

I was successful in reviving Ginger enough to take her for a ride with Pam. We began to make sure all the paperwork was in order in the van and though I had put the decal on the plate we could not find the updated registration in the van but I did find a note I had written years ago about my mother's birthday which is coming up Sept. 25th. Likewise "The View" had Michael Douglas on and he and his wife had their birthday also on Sept. 25th. Anyway, here is the note.


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Mom's Birthday- It's about the Rose on the Table and the box (Little Women Story and the box)

I then shared this with my youngest sister who is there taking care of Mom. But that was just the beginning of the story. You see the real passion was during my years alone and I had dreamed what is happening now. I don't choose these things to happen rather I put out the question of how YOU/SPIRIT will reach family and I got back certain things which the SPIRIT is bringing back to my remembrance. The emotions of these memories are stored in two pieces of music. Keys to the Kingdom, and Novus Magnificat the Music of Remembrance the second of which Pam and I turned out to both have a copy of this obscure music which I have written about before.
SPIRIT Reminded Me! I made YOU promise The Dreambox
Before taking the VW to Sonic for a test drive


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I opened my box with roses on top (Travis Song- The Box) because I sometimes keep important papers in there. I did not find the registration but I did find a note to my brother and sisters.


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The synch posted on propheciesonline about the movie Frozen and my brother and sisters.
So the synch had led me to both intentions for my family and this experience we all are having was dreamed before.

This all came together in our evening sanctuary. Pam wanted to play pandora on the roku and I found a channel I called the Relaxation Radio that headlined Karen Garrett's music "It's about the Rose"
This of course was my feeling related to changing the white rose to a red rose.

The music (It's about the Rose in the Vase on the Table) drew me back to the Rose on my table.
The Rose Dnatree Here is the message of the Rose through my experience


The Rose, or flower, and appletree, depict the heart in that through intention alone it draws what is on the heart/table to it as a rose draws a honeybee via the fragrance.

They never knew he had a heart until they found the box

Other Music last night
Simple Things- Allure of Sanctuary
Daydreams- It's about the Rose
Letting Go- Deep Joy
Nothing Left to Say- Jim Brickman

Use the Fragrance Jasmin and the poetry music to understand the message. You prayed for it, Remember!

Leave this poetry stuck back in the back of your drawer until the day your heart is broken. Until then, you will not understand the murmurings of this fool.

 Pam is canning Tomatoes